Are you ready to transform your organization? Effective change management is a critical part of successful organizations.
This presentation offers 6 transformative steps that guide us on the path of personal and organizational change.
Take-Aways Include:
– Explore the journey from casting vision to delegating vision
– Analyze the difference between empowering and enforcing vision
– Develop a plan for helping bring all stakeholders into alignment with the vision.
Speaker Bio:
Jon Antonucci has over 20 years of leadership experience ranging from coaching youth sports to directing an international organization. His passion for developing leaders inspired him to begin SML Consultive in early 2023, where he empowers who he calls the “forgotten leaders” (front-line and middle-management leadership) to effectively engage with their teams via love-based, servant-minded leadership.
In his rare moments of free time, Jon enjoys playing various sports, strumming the acoustic guitar, and enjoying the natural beauty of the mountains.
All virtual events are presented by HUUB, a one-stop online resource and support platform for entrepreneurs.
This event is going to be held virtually. Attendees will receive a link to the live stream and worksheets once they have signed up.
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